[tab:Drug Policy]

Drug Policy

MAC is undergoing a process to develop a new drug policy, which will be the first implemented in Malaysia. The efforts already begun in 2011 with two Drug Policy Reform Symposiums involving the stakeholders, paralegal, and partner organizations. Furthermore, various seminars of Law Enforcement & Harm Reduction Programs which was engaging with Royal Malaysian Police (RMP).



The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is a social security institution formed according to the Laws of Malaysia, Employees Provident Fund Act 1991 (Act 452) which provides retirement benefits for members through management of their savings in an efficient and reliable manner. The EPF also provides a convenient framework for employers to meet their statutory and moral obligations to their employees.

On 15th July 2011, with collaboration between EPF and MAC, we successfully implemented the new declaration for Health Withdrawal. In fact, among 15 types of withdrawals, there is one called Health Withdrawal consist of 55 critical illnesses including Other Disease Approved By EPF Board: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (Note: CD4 Count < 200 Cell/mm3).

Moreover, this withdrawal allow the members to withdraw the saving to pay for medical expenses incurred for the treatment of critical illnesses AND/OR to buy medical aid equipment as approved by the EPF Board. The terms and conditions are applied.

MAC is in the process to take another initiative by collaborating with EPF to develop another new declaration for Health Withdrawal. The amendment that we seek will expand the definition to include all second line treatment as critical ailment.






The Social Security Organization (SOCSO) is an organization set up to administer, enforce and implement the Employees’ Social Security Act, 1969 and the Employees’ Social Security (General) Regulations 1971. It provides social security protection by social insurance including medical and cash benefits, provision of artificial aids and rehabilitation to employees to reduce the sufferings and to provide financial guarantees and protection to the family.

MAC is the process of reviewing SOCSO Scheme and benefit, which can fit with PLHIV and AIDS. With that, we can establish collaboration with SOCSO to build new policy pertaining to PLHIV/AIDS.
